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Flue Gas Remediation 

Flue Gas Remediation 

Flue Gas Remediation 

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Bioreactors Zero Exhaust

In the face of growing environmental concerns and stringent regulations, thermoelectric plants and petroleum refineries are under pressure to reduce their toxic emissions. Liquid Tree™ Zero-Exhaust Energy presents a revolutionary solution, integrating cutting-edge microalgae bioreactors directly with industrial exhaust systems. By connecting our technology to exhaust towers, we transform harmful flue gases into valuable resources.

The microalgae in our bioreactors excel at absorbing CO2, neutralizing pollutants like SOx and NOx, and capturing particulate matter, ensuring that the air released is clean and safe. This not only helps industries comply with environmental standards but also turns potential fines into a sustainable revenue stream.

Advanced Air Purification

Beyond CO2 Capture
Liquid Tree™ goes beyond simple carbon capture. Our Non-Thermal Plasma (NTP) Catalytic Converter breaks down a broad spectrum of pollutants at ambient temperatures. It dissociates NOx into harmless nitrogen and oxygen, transforms SOx into sulfates that microalgae can use, and even converts elemental mercury into forms that algae can absorb. This comprehensive purification ensures that industries not only reduce their carbon footprint but also minimize their overall environmental impact, protecting local air quality and public health.

Biomass Production

A New Frontier in Circular Economy
Our technology doesn't just clean air; it creates valuable biomass. Species like Chlorella, Spirulina, and Dunaliella thrive on the CO2 and nutrients in flue gases, rapidly growing into biomass rich in proteins, lipids, and pigments. This biomass can be harvested every three days and used in various industries. Chlorella and Spirulina are superfoods, packed with nutrients for human and animal consumption. Haematococcus produces astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Botryococcus is ideal for biofuels. By turning waste gases into these products, we create a circular economy where industrial byproducts become inputs for food, energy, and more.

From Liability to Asset

Tokenizing Environmental Compliance
Perhaps the most transformative aspect of Liquid Tree™ is its ability to turn regulatory compliance into a financial asset. Every pollutant captured and neutralized is meticulously tracked and verified by international certifiers like SGS. These verified reductions are then tokenized using blockchain technology, creating tradeable environmental assets. This means that every ton of CO2 or SOx removed doesn't just avoid a fine—it becomes a sellable credit. Industries can use these credits to offset other emissions, sell them on carbon markets, or use them to demonstrate net-zero operations, gaining a competitive edge in an increasingly environmentally conscious market.

Close the Loop

Our microalgae bioreactors, seamlessly integrated with industrial exhaust systems, transform the concept of waste. In this new paradigm, the CO2 from thermoelectric plants becomes the lifeblood for nutrient-rich Spirulina, a superfood that nourishes communities. The sulfur oxides from petroleum refineries, once a liability, now feed the growth of Phaeodactylum, whose lipids are refined into the next generation of biofuels to power those very same industries. Even the volatile organics from manufacturing processes are broken down to feed Chlorella, which in turn produces high-value pharmaceuticals. By capturing, transforming, and monetizing what was once discarded, we create self-sustaining loops of value. Each pollutant removed is a resource gained, each emission a new beginning, all verified and tokenized on the blockchain for transparent, tradeable green assets. This isn't just recycling; it's regeneration on an industrial scale.

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)

Our CEA solutions create the perfect growing environment for plants, allowing you to control temperature, humidity, light, and CO2 levels.

This precision management enables you to optimize growth and yield while minimizing the use of resources such as water, energy, and land.

With our CEA technology, you can cultivate a wide range of crops, including leafy greens, herbs, and fruits, all year round, regardless of external weather conditions.

Nitrogen Storage

Preserving the quality of agricultural products is crucial for reducing waste and ensuring that consumers receive the freshest, most nutritious produce. Our nitrogen storage solutions use a controlled atmosphere with reduced oxygen levels to slow down the aging process and prevent spoilage.

This technology is suitable for a variety of products, such as grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, and can significantly extend their shelf life without the use of harmful chemicals or preservatives.

Cold Storage

Vertical Green’s systems are eco-friendly and cost-effective, using hydroponic and aeroponic tech that cuts water/nutrient use by 90% vs traditional farming.

Additional Applications

Our controlled environments can be adapted for a multitude of other applications, such as plant propagation, seed germination, and tissue culture.

By creating the ideal conditions for growth and development, we can support the rapid propagation of plant material for research, breeding programs, and large-scale cultivation projects.

Turn your emissions into Value!

Close the Loop of your production chain to create a more sustainable future for all!

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