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Algae Production 

Algae Production 

Algae Production 

“We are proud of working with a diverse range of clientes who share our vision for a sustainable and productive future.”

Innovation for Sustainable Solutions

Vertical Green presents Liquid Tree™ Technology, a revolutionary solution that harnesses the power of microalgae to purify our air, combat climate change, and create sustainable biomass. Our innovative bioreactors leverage the exceptional photosynthetic capabilities of microalgae to remove CO2 and toxic air pollutants, emit oxygen, sanitize pathogens, cultivate valuable biomass, and generate verifiable carbon offsets. With just 1 m³ of microalgae performing the carbon sequestration equivalent of 100 m² of forest, Liquid Tree™ Technology offers a compact, efficient, and versatile tool in our fight against pollution and global warming.

Sustainable Advertising

We’ve reimagined urban infrastructure with our Liquid Tree™ and TechnoBlox panels. These innovative structures clean and oxygenate air in public spaces, with each unit generating the oxygen equivalent of 25 mature trees. But they do more than purify air—they also serve as street lights, enhancing public safety.

Furthermore, by integrating transparent screens over the bioreactors, we’ve created a platform for sustainable advertising. Companies can showcase their messages while actively contributing to cleaner air and a greener city, aligning their brand with environmental responsibility.

Urban Outdoor Air Purification

In densely populated cities where planting traditional trees is challenging, our outdoor Liquid Tree™ units offer a technological alternative. These self-powered, solar-energy units permanently remove CO2, CO, greenhouse gases, SOx & NOx (components of smog), and airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

By integrating our technology into urban infrastructure like street lights and public spaces, we bring the air-purifying power of forests directly into city centers, making urban living healthier and more sustainable.

Indoor Air Quality Enhancement

Liquid Tree™ indoor units are designed to tackle the often-overlooked problem of indoor air pollution. With the EPA identifying it as America’s top environmental health issue, our bioreactors provide a vital solution.

They reduce dangerous gases, mineralize viruses and bacteria, eliminate allergens and bad odors, and reduce indoor pollutants—all while generating life-giving oxygen. Whether in homes, offices, or public spaces, Liquid Tree™ Technology ensures that the 90% of time we spend indoors is in a healthier, cleaner environment.

At Vertical Green, we provide exceptional technology to support our clients.

By offering innovative and sustainable solutions, we empower companies and individuals to achieve their goals while contributing to a greener and more productive future for all.

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